The homework club
The homework club

the homework club

Homework Club is not for a teacher who is not dedicated to being available. I make clear at the beginning of the year that I am here to help them in any way I can. Messy binders, sloppy notes, pages that need to be recopied before being handed in can be tackled, or a little extra studying time before a quiz for the busy kids can lower the level of anxiety of those students who do not cope well with many tasks. This morning time is also important for those students who need time to get organized or struggle with time management.

the homework club

I let all the students know ahead of time that anyone not working effectively will be asked to leave homework morning because it is important that we create a community that supports each other’s efforts to succeed.

the homework club

Sometimes a student can explain something differently than I would think to and that is what creates a breakthrough in learning for a peer. This is also important because we know that a student’s zone of proximal development expands during group work. Support and encouragement from peers is important the successful running of the club. Some of my better students have come early to help their peers, and this tells me that I am on the right track. They go home, do what they can and know that there is no pressure to finish what they do not know before asking questions. This extra 30 or 40 minutes can be grade changing for some students. We understand as educators that our students won’t get it all, and that their parents may not be able to help. I also like to offer a day a week called “Homework Morning” when the students can come 30 to 40 minutes before school and ask me any questions they need to about the homework due that week. We all get to choose between what is easy and what is right. Later in life that will translate to a “c’s get degrees attitude.” I want to teach them to expect exceptional things themselves if they are willing to set goals and work towards them. I never want to leave a student with the impression that mediocre is okay.

the homework club

I always give students a chance to get a better grade and complete things to the best of their ability. As part of the homework club I always attach two dates to homework – the date the homework is due as a class, and then the date that I want the homework back if there are corrections or edits that need to be done, which is of course handed out individually. I use this homework club to not only track homework but also to motivate students to complete and hand in homework on time.

The homework club